Congratulations to Brian Treanor for winning the flight of a lifetime with Full Noise! If you ,missed out on winning the ride in Full Noise and you are looking for an awesome warbird experience, Fighter Flights do have joyrides available over airshow week, check out for more info or ring Graeme 021 992890 to book your ride now!

Terms & Conditions apply, click here for more info

V2 Rocket


Built across 12 months by a group of Omaka-based volunteers, the full-scale V-2 rocket replica met a spectacular demise on the Sunday of Classic Fighters 2011, climbing some four metres up the vertical launch structure before being strafed by Allied fighters and exploding. Fortunately, the lower and more solidly built structure survived and has been incorporated into a rebuilt rocket, which will threaten the Allies again during CF23.

The pinnacle of Nazi 'Revenge' Weapons, the V-2 (A4) rocket, ushered in the era of the ballistic missile and the space race after that. The V-2 offensive lasted from September 1944 until March 1945, during which over 3,000 were launched, targeting England, Belgium, Holland and France. The V-2's speed and trajectory made it invulnerable to anti-aircraft guns and fighters, as it accelerated from an altitude of over 100 km high to four times the speed of sound. Consequently, the only effective defence was to destroy the launch sites or force them to relocate out of range. Although the psychological effect of the V-2 was considerable, strategically, it was a failure, and more people died manufacturing the rocket than were killed by its deployment.

There is nowhere else in the world where you will see a display like this. The V-2 will take part over all three days, so be sure to be here to follow its journey!    

About Yealands Classic Fighters Omaka:
The airshow is the main fundraising event for the Omaka Aviation Heritage Museum, located in Blenheim, Marlborough NZ.


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